My xbox is upstairs. I have a laptop in my room and my main computer with the modem is downstairs. I cannot have my xbox beside the main computer because it's not allowed. How am i supposed to connect it from upstairs to downstairs? It's far.
Help me =(How do i connect to Xbox live?
The best way would be to connect it using wireless. You may have to go buy a wireless adapter for your xbox, but that is the easiest way I can think of connecting it upstairs to downstairs.How do i connect to Xbox live?
Hey if you check out this youtube video it will tell you how to connect to xbox live buy putting an ethernet cable into your laptop
Windows Vista =鈥?/a>
Windows XP =鈥?/a>
:D hope this works for you
You must get an X360 Live adapter or an ethernet cable. There are instructions inside the box for your Xbox 360.
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