Friday, August 20, 2010

How do I fix the ';IP address failed'; problem while connecting to Xbox Live?

I tried connecting my laptop to my Xbox 360 with an ethernet cable and during the connection test it keeps saying that the IP address failed. I have wireless Interent, but it's from AT%26amp;T and the router is built in to a wall in another room.How do I fix the ';IP address failed'; problem while connecting to Xbox Live?
do you mean your trying to use your xbox as a wireless reciever for your lap top or trying to use your lap top to supply internet to the xbox?How do I fix the ';IP address failed'; problem while connecting to Xbox Live?
u need go net work settings aned enable internet sharing and turn your firewall off

and u should have internet to 360

just buy longer ethernet cable and put in the router
had the same problem just go to this link and follow step by step. worked for me.
That's not possible. You will need to connect the Laptop to the Router, and the Xbox 360 to the router. The laptop and the 360 can see each other via the router, but if you try to connect both through one port (IE you connect one to the internet and then try to connect the other through the first to the internet), they will try to share an IP address, which will cause one or the other to not have an IP address at all.
Alot of problems with the Xbox can be fixed yourself without even opening the case! Free information can be found here for the repair of your xbox this is how I was able to fix my own Xbox without shipping to Microsoft!

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