Friday, August 20, 2010

How do i hook up to xbox live with my alltel wireless internet that is connected to my laptop only. ?

i have searched to hook the laptop to the xbox live with out a router or a regular computer how to do it though please helpHow do i hook up to xbox live with my alltel wireless internet that is connected to my laptop only. ?
alright you should have a place for a ethernet cord on the side of your laptop plug your xbox's ethernet into that then go to the start menu on your laptop and go connect to %26gt; show all connections %26gt; right click on your wireless network connection %26gt; go down to properties %26gt; click advanced on top %26gt; go down to second one were it says '; internet connection sharing '; %26gt; check both boxes %26gt; click OK %26gt; close all that %26gt; restart xbox and labtop %26gt; you should be connected

if this works add me on xbox live gamertag is i_blitzcreek_iHow do i hook up to xbox live with my alltel wireless internet that is connected to my laptop only. ?
you need an enthernet chord that connents from the back of your modem to your xbox 360. the ethernet chors either comes with your 360 but if you have the aracde it doesnt. but you can buy one from best buy or even target. :D
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